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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Year in Review: 1/6

So apparently time still flies when you aren't even necessarily having fun because it's already March. At this rate, it'll be a week before it's December again. I mean, I can't be the only one who feels like this year is going by faster than a Sailfish can swim. 109 Kilometers per hour, to be exact. This year is going by at a shocking rate of 109 kilometers per hour. Way over the speed limit. Inexcusable.

I can use as many metaphors as I'd like to, but it won't change the fact that it feels like New Years Eve could have been yesterday. While nothing monumental has happened yet this year, I thought now would be a great time to conduct a little review of the past couple months.


We started the year on a Friday. The second day of the year was a Saturday. And then, believe it or not, it was Sunday. I genuinely cannot remember what I did during these first few days of 2021, so I tried to stall by just saying some days of the week.

January was generally pretty boring. Winter break ended, everyone went back to school, I may or may not have started this blog...

I'm starting to think that I may be having some memory issues. The entirety of January is like a blank slate in my mind. I guess it was just a boring, unmemorable, and lifeless 31 days. Like a big block of concrete, but it's a month. I think the biggest thing that happened to me was that I wrote a book review on the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, which caused me to critically assess the current state of society. What a lame highlight of the month that is. Theoretically, my review of February should have much more substance to it. The word "theoretically" is key.


February was awesome. Considering it's low day count, plenty went on to brighten up the year. It was hardly the block-of-concrete type month that January was.

This was a month where I found many new things to help me pass the time. I'm now working, playing soccer again, and beginning to drive. All at literally the exact same time, I'll have you know. I guess you could could say I'm a bit of a multitasker. Please do say that. No one else does.

The other great thing about February was the weather. First of all, we got some surprise snow that basically made my entire year. On top of that, it started to get much warmer and sunnier, which means that much more of my time was spent outdoors. One of the nicest parts of the month have been the sunsets. I am frequently at this one spot at the top of my hill where I have a clear view. When I turn around to go back down my hill, I see tremendous, beautiful mountains in the distance that are absolutely glowing. If you think people look good during golden hour, you should see what those mountains can do. It's not weird that I just compared people to mountains. You're weird for thinking it's weird, so get over it. Anyways, I always love to see how pretty the sky can look, and it's usually one of the best parts of my day. Got to enjoy the little things, y'know?

Based on the amount of writing there, I can confidently say that February was better. Also, I definitely remembered it more clearly than January. Maybe I have '30 day memory', where I can never remember anything from more than a month ago. When we hit April, I'll do another February review to see if this hypothesis is correct. It seems scientific enough to me.

Let's hope this year decides to slow down a little as we move into Spring. If it doesn't I'll have to pull it over and give it a ticket!


I'd like to end this post with a formal apology. That was a hideous joke. Never again, you have my word.

Also, two posts in two days? Don't mind if I do!

Thanks for reading!

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