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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

A Little Update and A Big Storm


It's been a truly long time since the last time I wrote, so I apologize for that. I was just, y'know, working on myself.

Don't worry, I'm only joking. Could you imagine if I had said that un-ironically? It's really just an excuse for procrastination if I'm honest... Speaking of which, I wouldn't say I was procrastinating when it came to the blog, I was more just forgetting. Ok that sounds like I just really don't care. I dug myself quite a hole here...


Welcome back! Sorry about the intro. I was struggling to put something together, if you couldn't tell. That was actually my 257th attempt at writing one, which is the real reason why I haven't posted for a few weeks: all my time has been spent attempting to write a functional introduction. Classic.

It has been a very, very long time since I last wrote. In general, that time has been filled with mainly positive experiences, which I've decided to write about today. Ok everybody, get ready for a Past-Few-Weeks-In-Review-With-Seb.

My my, that certainly rolls off the tongue.


Well, the month started off well because I was accepted into my first-choice program at my dream school! It was probably the happiest email I ever received based on how long I spent smiling after I opened it, and I truly feel so lucky to have the opportunity to attend a post-secondary institute and pursue my academic dreams. And to all my fellow graduates out there who have had a similarly stressful past few months as I have had, CONGRATULATIONS for whatever you're doing! The future has a lot in store for you:)

Anyhow, I'm still in the phase where I'm just endlessly happy that I was accepted into university, and I'm so scared to genuinely start planning for it. I've been getting increasingly more stressed each day as September edges closer and closer. I feel like I miss some sort of important due date with each minute that goes by.

Hold on. Is that what university is going to be like..?

Whatever, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. I just want to enjoy all the (supposedly) stress free times while they last.


And enjoy these stress free times I have: I've been getting outside as much as I can with all of this recently improved weather. Playing some basketball at the park? Sure! Walking 25km around the entire city in a day? Why not! Swimming?!? Don't mind if I do.

It's all been going on, and I love it so much. The world, and my life, feels like it's swinging back in the right direction, and I couldn't be happier for that. This year is looking like a good one, so let's hope it holds up.


Speaking of 'good ones', there is something fantastic I absolutely need to write about. And no, it isn't a terrible joke as you probably suspect.

There was a magnificent storm that rolled through last week. One so magnificent, in fact, that I can't remember ever witnessing such a storm. The rain was coming down so hard that it probably would've pinned me on the ground if I had dared to step outside; the wind blew trees around like they were blades of grass; there was lightning that illuminated any dark room in the house when it struck; the thunder was so powerful that it shook entire homes.

I love how dramatic that explanation was. Maybe I should become a writer for fantasy movies? I think this is a sign. Anyways, that storm was really something else. It had my family and I in complete awe, and then it was gone in a flash.

In a flash.

Get it? Because lightning?

Ok fine I'll explain it. So the joke is funny because when you see a bolt of lighting, it's considered a flash of lightning, and I said the storm was gone in a flash, so...

If you don't get it, just take my word for it. It's super funny.


So that's pretty much what I've been doing over the past few weeks (other than neglecting to write a new blog post of course). They've been good, and I'll be happy to keep the good times rolling.


There are a few things that I'd like to talk about in closing. First, check out the new episode of Elio and I's podcast! At whatever point you read this, there will always be a newest episode of our podcast, Riffin', which I highly recommend.

Also, I've been dabbling in song-writing lately. Maybe you'll hear something from me sometime in the near(ish) future? Stay tuned.

I'm glad I wrote again. I can't promise I'll be back sooner than last time, but I'll try my best. Oh yeah, I've also decided not to do another part of my year in review. There have honestly been too many good things going on to write about all of them. What can I say, times are good:)

Thank you so much as always, I hope you enjoyed this latest issue. I'll be back soon. Maybe.

Peace out

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