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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Slamming Week

Hey everybody, hope you are doing well. I received some excellent mystery news last night so I'm doing really, really well today. Not than anyone asked anyways. I'm just going to leave you all sitting there in frustration, wondering what that news could possibly be. Not even gonna tell ya. Ok let's move on.

After that cruel tease of an opening portion to today's post, we can get into the fun, juicy stuff where I can actually give details on things and stuff. Wicked!


So this weekend was supposed to rain. A lot. But (surprise surprise) the weather has tricked us all once again and it has been very warm and very nice thus far. The weather can be so goofy haha. As I look through my window now, I see nothing but blue sky and fluffy clouds and it could not be better, so lets hope that it stays this way.

I've decided that we could use a little story time to kick this off on the right foot, so here we go baby. Yesterday, I used the warmth to my advantage and went skateboarding with some pals during the evening. It was really lovely to feel the wind through my hair as I skated through the abundance of fallen cherry blossom petals that had piled up on the street. It was about as 'Spring' as 'Spring' could be, ya know? Anyways, we get down to this park that has two bowls to skate around in, one a bit less deep and a bit less steep than the other.

That last line kind of rhymed a little bit. Guess someone will just have to add it into one of their rap songs then!? Sometimes my accidental creative genius can be startling.

So, we're at this park with the two bowls and the smaller one is being used, so we had to try the larger one. I'm trying to work on my bowl-game so I was happy to risk it all on the deep bowl, and all was going well to start. But the thing about a bowl is that you can be as confident as you want and that won't stop you from getting absolutely tossed while you're in there. I was getting a little cocky I guess, and I decided to roll into the bowl from a bit farther away and at a greater speed. As soon as I descended into our fateful bowl, I realized I was putting too much weight onto the tail of my board so I leaned forward to correct it. Big mistake. I leaned forward at the exact moment that I started to ascend the other side of the bowl and my board just stopped completely. Naturally, I flew off my board and directly into the side of the bowl at full speed. As you can probably imagine, I had to amputate the entire left side of my body...

I'm just joking folks, no worries. It did hurt plenty though. My left elbow and tricep are took a big hit, as did my upper left leg. I wish I could say that I was super bruised and that it looks super gnarly today, but it honestly doesn't look like anything happened. Which is lame because now I can't complain about it as much since it doesn't look like it could possibly hurt at all. Still gonna complain though. Nice.

Moral of the story? Don't get cocky when it comes to bowls. That applies to any scenarios that involve bowls.


Yeah, that blew. But, believe it or not, that isn't the only thing that happened this week. A new quarter of school began so I have lots of 'fun' work from a new class to do which is just 'fantastic'. Note the 'use' of incredibly 'sarcastic' quotation 'marks'.

In other news, this past Wednesday marked the release of the third episode of Elio and I's podcast! If you haven't checked it out, I highly recommend that you do (just check the 'podcast' page of the website to listen). This is my favourite episode so far, and we had our first brilliant co-host join us!! Woohoo!

I also picked up a new pair of super comfy jeans and, as you probably guessed, they're super comfy. Absolutely winning right now.


I've been slammed by both schoolwork and my skateboard, but this week has still be absolutely great. Things are looking up and the vibes are good for the start of the new month.

The start of the new month reminds me to remind you that part 2/6 of my year review will be coming soon... be on the lookout!

Another podcast episode will be coming soon as well! We have planned an amazing episode with another fantastic co-host, so you already know it probably won't be a waste of your time to listen to! Killer!

I hope that, wherever you are, the weather is nice enough to get outside and enjoy it! That's what I'll be doing :)

Thank you, as always, for reading!

Peace out

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