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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Net Positivity.

So summer is, sadly to say, slowly but surely reaching its end. What a summer it has been! You, of course, have no idea why that is because I have taken a selfishly long two month break from writing. If your entire summer has been wasted through hours of staring at a computer screen, hoping I would post something, that’s a shame. Regardless, I’m back now and better than ever.

At least I think so.

This summer has been full of ups and downs, the best of times and the worst of times, but I like to focus on net positivity. And this summer has definitely been net positive.


I believe I was just days away from graduating when I last wrote. Well, that went successfully and I am (officially) a high school student no longer! I just realized that I will never be a high school dropout for as long as I live. Damn. The truth hurts sometimes. Alas, I have graduated. I am now floating in the desolate space between secondary and post-secondary school, and it’s been an interesting time. Seeing as this summer is encompassed by one of the most pivotal times of my young life, a lot of big feelings have been running wild. For all the previously mentioned ‘best of times’, there have been some (also previously mentioned) ‘worst of times’ to provide some emotional balance.

There has been an overwhelming feeling at the back of my head throughout the whole summer. With all the feelings that came with graduating, along with a couple of other things, July was one of the most emotionally taxing months of my life. Let’s just say a lot of all-consuming anxious moments were featured. They sucked, of course, but I’m still glad to have gone through those stressful times. More often than not you come out on the other side better off, and that was, without a doubt, the case for me this summer. The overwhelming moments of being unsure about the future, among other things, helped me come up with ways to become more assured and prepare myself better for everything to come. Like I said, net positive. And speaking of positive things, let’s move away from the deep talks and get talkin about the many great times of the past summer!


The best aspect of the summer was hanging out with friends (while respecting COVID rules and regulations, of course). The world began to open up again, and it allowed for much more socializing compared to the rest of the past year. It was great to get out and do things again, like going back to the movies for the first time. Sitting in a theatre again after such a long time was truly magical (also, big shout out to the film ‘Free Guy’; absolutely brilliant watch). There were some fantastic camping trips, full to the brim with laughs, freezing cold creek water from a glacier, water skiing, potato salad induced stomach aches, and plenty of tunes. You know, the usual. There was also a fantastic island trip that featured exclusively 4am bedtimes and one very slimy but warm lake. Loved it to pieces. These were incredible trips, and having the opportunity to connect with so many people was quite simply the best.

Outside of these excursions, the summer was full of work, more work, and hanging out with people. I have spent the last 7 weeks working full time as a day camp activity leader, to go along with working at the old pizza restaurant. While the workload has proved to be very tiring, I have really enjoyed being able to work both jobs. At the pizza restaurant, I’ve had nothing but good times connecting with other staff, making pizzas with many kiddos (the restaurant offers a family deal on Sundays and Mondays where kids can choose to make their own pizzas), and working hard, of course. I have also loved working at the day camp. Granted, there have been stressful times, but the good outweighs the bad by a landslide. The campers are all amazing, and the other staff I work with are the absolute best. Having the chance to connect with them more and make new friends has been really cool, and I feel quite lucky. I’m just preparing myself for the last day of camp because it is going to be full, and I mean FULL, of tears. Not only does that day mark the end of camp, but the beginning of the next chapter in my life as well.

My god. That line sounded intense and dramatic but in the cheesiest of ways. Nice.


So I’m moving out to my room at UBC in 8 days, which is preposterous. Two months ago it seemed like the move was so far away, and now here it is, right around the corner. Though I can’t say I feel fully prepared, I certainly feel better about it now than I did just months ago. It’s a very exciting time in life, and even though there are many reasons to be anxious, I am confident that the good times will prevail. They always do.

I will try to write as much as I can during first year, but it’s impossible to say how busy I’ll be. I mean, I’ve had plenty of time to write this summer and yet I’m making just my first post in late August. Wow yeah, don’t expect too much from me this year.


And with the bar set very low, I say goodbye.

I hope this was an enjoyable read, as it certainly was an enjoyable write. I’ll see you all soon (maybe)!!!

Til’ next time :)

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