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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

What's With Airplane Food?

Airplane food is a very interesting topic. Some people hate the food you get on a flight, while others can simply tolerate it. I don't think it's necessary to acknowledge the people who actually like airplane food because there are so few of them.

I can't stand the stuff.

I was on a flight to England a few years ago, and I decided to have butter chicken as my meal. One of the worst decisions I ever made. It tasted like something I was definitely going to regret eating later on. Sure enough, the taste just lingered with me. It didn't make me sick, but the atrocious taste was very persistent. Just thinking about it still makes me cringe a little.

Another fiasco involved the 'breakfast' portion of the flight. I thought I could play it safe by having a piece of banana bread, but I was wrong. It tasted more processed than processed cheese. It was like those super cheap muffins you get from the grocery store; yeah, that bad.

From my experiences, you can probably tell at this point that I'm not the biggest fan of airplane food. In fact, you might say I despise it. That statement would be true.


Well, I learned that I'm much more passionate about my dislike for airplane food than I may have originally realized. Thanks to a friend of mine for suggesting this despicable topic.

In other news, I've made a super random revelation: walking in the rain is the best kind of walking. You may be wondering, why? Isn't it just super wet and uncomfortable? Well, you may be surprised. There's something that's just so cozy about walking around with a warm jacket on, staying under an umbrella, and listening to some tunes. It's very underrated.


After that quick little detour, it's a great time to finish the post with a relevant and hilarious joke! I heard this one recently:

What's with airplane food?

It's very plain.


It really is a joke that just oozes with humor.

And on that fantastic note, we reach the end of today's journey through airplane food and walking in the rain! Hopefully it was at least slightly entertaining! Also, if anyone would like to try writing a post, don't hesitate to contact me. Maybe if i keep writing that at the end of every post someone will eventually take me up on the offer. Definitely.

It's been good, see you next time.

Thanks for reading!

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