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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Top 10 List, But it's Actually a Top 4 List

Well. I was planning to start this post off a little bit differently, but the website had an update and it caught me way off guard. I was so surprised I simply had to mention it. Ok. Time for a proper start now.

My first year of university will be commencing later this year, which means that my first year living alone will also be commencing later this year. It's definitely a thought that intimidates me, and has recently caused plenty of late night anxiety as I am falling asleep. I've decided to commit to acknowledging the fact that I will be moving out because a little preparation never hurt anyone. With tonight's post I am accepting the inevitable and conjuring up a list of things that I want to do/accomplish before I move out. Also, I've come to the realization that the word 'conjure' should only ever be used by wizards.

This list is in no order of any kind. FYI.


First up, I want to cook a meal for my family. I've watched plenty of cooking shows, but I've never really had any motivation to cook. I do like to eat the food that other people cook a lot though. Cooking is definitely a valuable skill to have, and I am not yet a high level chef. Let's just say that I probably couldn't whip up some beef tartar with a garnish of cilantro at any given moment. Yeah, probably not. Anyways, I want to test my skills in the kitchen before I move out. Listening to some music as I whip up some high-end delicacies for my family to enjoy kind of sounds like a fantastic vibe too. Just sayin'.

Second, I need to get better at driving. I've actually been practicing at a surprisingly consistent rate lately. That being said, my progress is hardly notable. Sure, I can shift into second gear, but will that fly on a traffic-packed highway? Doubtful. The only thing flying on that highway will be my car after I crash the dang thing! You know what they say: "know your limit, play within it". My current limit is 20mph in an empty parking lot, no flex intended. Also, I just repurposed a responsible-gambling slogan and it totally works. "Repurpose a slogan for gambling responsibly" was actually going to be the next thing on my to-do list, but it looks like I can scratch that one off before I even wrote it down! WOOOOOOHOOOO!

If anyone doesn't know, 'know your limit, play within it' is actually a slogan that promotes responsible gambling. Gee, it's even more funny now that I've explained it!

The third thing that I want to do before I move out is to learn how to do a kickflip. My backyard is absolutely perfect for learning skate tricks, so I need to take advantage of that as much as I possibly can before leaving. I'm assuming college dorms don't have private yards for everyone living there right? Totally lame.

Well, my original goal was to make a list of at least ten different things that I wanted to accomplish before I left home, but I'm drawing blanks after only three. I feel like, over the seventeen years that I've spent at this place, I've already done everything that I can here. I guess it would be nice to climb that tree out back.... Ok, there's a fourth thing: 'risk my life and climb that tree in the backyard'.

Perfect, that's good enough for me.


Moving away will most certainly be the biggest change in my life thus far, and I'm both looking forward to and dreading it. All I can do now is accept that I'm committed to jumping in with both feet by leaving home, and convince myself that it will be fun. Until me living alone is a reality, though, I'm not going to believe it. Just gotta take the plunge I guess. What's the worst that could happen?

Burning my house down. That's the worst that could happen. Bonus point if you got that one right.


Today was a gorgeous Tuesday. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and all was good. Plus, I got to leave school five minutes early which totally rocks.

I hope that your Tuesday was just as good, or better, than mine!

Thank you for reading my epic list of things to accomplish.

Until next time!

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