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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

The Second Dumping (Snow #2)

If one wasn’t enough, here we go again.

This past weekend all my hopes and dreams were fulfilled. Well, all my hopes and dreams involving snow, specifically.

On Saturday morning I woke up to a great dump of the stuff. It was incredible; I was up at 4:30am in a completely unfamiliar winter wonderland. Yes, you heard that right; I was up at 4:30am. An ungodly hour to say the very least. We don’t have to dive into all that though! We can dive into the topic of snow instead, just like I did later on during Saturday morning.

It was probably the best way I’ve ever woken up. There was a steady blanket of snow coming down and building on itself all morning. It was so beautiful, in fact, that a 4:30 wake up was bearable. At 7:00am I had committed to staying awake for the rest of the day, so I made myself a cup of tea and decided to take advantage of the untouched snow. I put on a sweater and some shoes and walked to the top of my hill. I was wearing other stuff too. Like pants.


Snowflakes were falling all around me, the morning air was crisp but not piercingly cold, and the post-dawn level of light was increasing. It was ideal sprinting-down-your-street-early-in-the-morning-weather, so that’s what I did of course. Running down my street was actually quite anticlimactic, but I did get to step on the fresh snow before anyone else got the chance to. It was very satisfying. I recommend trying this every time it snows, because it only comes around once a year


This abrupt snowfall was perfect. Not only was the snow soft and crunchy (in other words, pristine in quality), but it also made the rest of the weekend much more fun and eventful. There’s something so fun about putting on snow pants, boots, gloves, a puffy jacket, and a toque and just frolicking around in the snow without fear of getting super wet or cold. That was basically how I spent my Saturday, aimlessly frolicking around. Fun, right?

I thought so.


I’d like to quickly apologize to anyone who hasn’t heard of sledding before, as this next section will therefore be large amounts of confusing.


Well, yesterday the weather decided to be rude, and it rained. The nerve! It was before I had even gone sledding! It didn't discourage Elio (my good friend, if you had forgotten) and I, though. We went out in the rain and had a fantastic time cruising down hills consisting half of snow and half of mud at record-breaking speeds. One of the hills had a jump, and we took a wooden sled off it. It was scary, yes, painful, yes, but so much fun all the same. There’s something about sledding that presents a whole new level of fun. I mean, I didn’t even recognize the sound of my own laughter because I was laughing so hard for the majority of last night!

And, to cap it all off, there was a car doing donuts in a snow-covered field at a public park! If that isn’t incredible, I don’t know what is.

I can say confidently that we made the best of this year’s snowfall!

Until next year!


If anyone has a better way to spend Valentine's Day than that, please let me know. I'm pretty sure the purpose of the day is to sled in the rain! At least that's what I I've heard.

Thanks for reading!

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1 則留言

Dane Manrell
Dane Manrell

That was an excellent read, can't wait to hear about more of your adventures in the future!

And also, no, I can't imagine any better way to spend Valentines, bar-none :)

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