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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

The Origin Story

today we are back with an important story of explanation: how did the name 'Do you also religiously go to church?' come to be?

Unironically. That's how.

Believe it or not, it's true; this was not a purposefully hilarious statement. Which, in my opinion, makes it that much funnier! Anyways, origin story time. My good friend and I were walking home from IKEA, a humongous Swedish furniture store, and they just said it. The context in which it was said has completely escaped me, but that's irrelevant. i remember the important part, a phrase too good to let myself forget. So I took a note of it for later to never forget it, and now it serves as a perfect name for my blog.

That's pretty much where this all important statement came from. It's not as cool as Spiderman's origin story or anything, but it's something.

Moving on, I feel like that day at IKEA deserves some writing time too. It was one of my favourite days of the year. Between climbing up shelves and testing out all the couches we could, it was a very exciting afternoon. There was even this automated hand-sanitizing machine that sounded so damn silly when it dispensed sanitizer. For lack of a better term, it sounded just like a wet fart, and we couldn't get enough of the thing. I don't think I've ever had such throughly sanitized hands as I did that day!

The moral of the story here is that IKEA is the ideal place to hang out. Anything you do would probably be ten times better at this place honestly. Anything. I'd even strongly consider having my wedding there.


I like today's post. It strays a little off the path of our original topic, but I think it works. Hopefully you do too. Next time I'll have another fun and interesting topic. For now, however, that is undetermined. Also any suggestions are still very welcome. You've gotten this far, you might as well right?

Anyhow, thanks for tuning in! (That might be something that only makes sense to say after a podcast episode, but just roll with it)

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