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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Tea Time all the time. Except past 9pm.

Anyone who thought I was talking about another kind of ‘tea‘ will be disappointed, sorry to say. This is going to be all about the wonderful caffeinated beverage.

The past couple of weeks I've had a morning class, which basically means I've had to wake up at 7am each morning. I know some people wake up earlier each day, and to that I say fair play. Consistently waking up at an ungodly hour like 6am deserves legend status. Anyhow, all these early wake-ups have caused me to feel grumpy when I wake up, and tired during the day. At least, they used to. I have discovered a new way to combat my own fatigue: tea.

I'm a simple man when it comes to tea; Tetley Orange Pekoe is the go to for me (if someone else doesn't use that line in a rap song, then I will). The first thing I do every morning is turn the stove on to boil the water. This is possibly the happiest part of my day, and certainly the most exciting. It's important to enjoy the little things when you have to wake up early y'know? Once that water boils, the day gets that much better. It's perfect: the sugar and caffeine produce the energy boost I need to tackle the next few hours. Plus, it tastes great.

This may be controversial, but I really like a sweet tea. If I ever go to Tim Hortons for tea, which has happened once, I'll get 3-4 sugars. I also like to use a big mug and drink it really fast. I mean really fast, to a point where my speed is almost overwhelming. As soon as it cools down to a point where it won't scorch my tongue, I down the stuff. My family thinks I should savour it more, but I don't listen to that nonsense: some things are just so good that they eliminate all patience. I'm sure everyone agrees that another one of those things is watching darts on TV. I mean, I'd watch 50 year-old men hit bullseyes for hours on end if I could.


Well, the general consensus here is that tea is boss, and darts is the superior sport when it comes to entertainment value.

I'm not very adventurous and mostly stick to black tea, but I do love it. I just need to be careful that I don't enjoy the caffeine too much and fall into the deep hole of a coffee addiction...

Try tea if you haven't! It is good.

Thanks for tuning.... no I shouldn't say that again.

Thanks for reading!

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