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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

"Quality Stuff Here"

Well it's been awhile. Quite a long time, really, so I'm sorry. The truth is, I've been struggling to think of topics recently. I know that, based on my past blog posts, you probably think that I'm a super adventurous, exciting guy who's full of ideas. Well, to be honest, that is completely, 100% true: apart from the ideas part, apparently.


I have hardly had any time to think so far this Spring Break. The general consensus is that Spring Break is a time to party, relax, and enjoy the time off from the stresses of school. Let's just say I have not partied down during the break so far. Nor have I relaxed.

Wait a minute...that's not what a normal break should be like....I guess I'm just built different.

It has been a very tiring first week. I've been getting up every single morning at 7am or earlier for the past five days. Yes you heard that right: 7-flipping-am. I haven't been waking up this early on a consistent basis since the dark ages ended 1021 years ago. Yeah. That long. I'm only joshing around. It was a little bit more recent than that.

Anyways, the reason I wake up so early nowadays is because of work. It's been nice to make good use of my time, and it's taught me to really cherish the free time I have. Free time is the absolute love of my life. Along with eating plain tortillas, obviously!


I've been using my free time perfectly; watching movies, shows, playing badminton with my parents, and watching another movie have all occurred quite frequently. This is the perfect spot for a quick reminder that 'perfect' and 'productive' mean two very different things.

Writing about what I've been doing this break reminds me that I really need to read some more. I've been capping off each day with a movie before bed. I need to read more, but I do love this movie routine I've got going. I go to bed each night with my imagine racing, contemplating a new idea. I actually had a fun hypothesis about movies and how they make you feel. I think that the longer you watch the credits for, the more impactful the movie is. It's a totally obvious idea that you may think is cool for a second and then think 'oh that's pretty obvious actually.' Against your greatest hopes, I'm still going to elaborate on this.

When I watch a mystery movie that really leaves me on a cliffs edge of suspense, I watch the credits to comprehend what I just witnessed. When I watch a movie that dips a little bit more into a sad genre and perhaps brings up a tear or two, I watch the credits to comprehend what I just witnessed. And finally, when I watch a horror movie that scares the life out of me, I watch the credits to comprehend what I just witnessed. Want me to tell you again what I watch the credits for? I watch the credits to comprehend what I just witnessed. That's enough repetitions of that sentence for a lifetime. This is me reading back through this and wondering what made me leave it in the post. When I have an answer, I'll be sure to let you know.

In closing, only the movies that really impact me warrant some deep thinking time. Like the Lego Movie.

Or the Lego Batman Movie.

Or even the second Lego movie.

I'll say what we're all thinking - my taste in film is quite exquisite.


I've really been waffling so far this post. Just on and on about completely random things that hardly matter. That's going to continue for the rest of the post too. No doubt no doubt.

I've actually been watching one of my pre-bedtime movies as I've been writing. I've already seen it, so I don't think I'll be stickin' around for the credits, but I think I did the first time. If you're interested in what movie it is, I'm not going to tell you. the chat about my taste in movies is for another time. I'll give you a hint: It's anything with the word 'Lego' in the title.


I gave myself a real long time to think and make sure that I had sufficient content for this post. I just barely scratched the bare minimum of content quality with this one. On the bright side, the past 3600 words have certainly helped you practice your endurance.

Also, I've been seriously considering the possibility of starting a podcast, so be on the lookout for that? I'm not sure. You know me and my uncanny knack for keeping promises.

As a final word, the Cherry Blossoms have been blooming, and every single day they become more beautiful. They are the superior tree type.

Thanks, as always, for reading.

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