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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Ocean Vs. Mountain

Where would you want to live if you had the choice? At the top of a towering mountain with a killer view of the vast scenery below, or by the ocean, just a stone’s throw away from nature’s largest salty pool?

This is the most controversial battle since Kong vs. Godzilla, and clearly an important question to ask. Up next we have a critical assessment of both sides of the argument.


First up: The mountain.

Height: Really high

Pros: Views, trees

Cons: Can’t swim in a mountain

Our first contender is a strong one.

Living on a mountain would be incredible. I mean, look how high up you’d be!

To start, living on one of these giant masses of rock and dirt would require a true embrace of nature. Don’t get me wrong, it would be amazing to live so close the cool species of birds and bears that inhabit mountains, but the bug population would be significant as well. If there’s a pond by your home, the number of mosquitoes could be quite unbearable. It’s an unpopular opinion, but mosquitoes just aren’t really my thing.

The second factor in the decision would have to be the weather. While the mountain will be cooler in temperature, this also means there will be snow. This makes the mountain cooler in terms of swag. As I’m sure you know, I am quite the fan of snow. For this reason, the mountain builds a strong case to sled right on through and into victory.

The final factor are the views. When you live higher up than anyone else, you look down on everything and everyone. This makes for some incredible sights. I can imagine the sun setting, casting a pink light on all the clouds that litter the evening sky, and just sitting on the deck (which my mountain house would obviously have) enjoying it. That being said, if you live on a mountain and literally look down on everyone, I hope it doesn’t develop an attitude of figuratively looking down on people. Makes you think, are mountaintop livers secretly elitist?


Second up: The ocean

Height: Sea level

Pros: Swimming, more swimming

Cons: No trees, water is undrinkable

The second contender is quite strong as well.

The ocean is vast, as are the reasons why living on it would be great.

We start with swimming. If you can’t swim, you may as well skip the next few lines and move on to the second argument because this won’t convince you of much. I personally find swimming to be a very enjoyable experience, and during the summer I love to do it. Although, going to the beach means usually swimming and then being salty and gross for the remainder of my time there, though. Living on one would mean that a shower is close by. I could swim, shower off the gross salty-ness, and still enjoy the rest of my day on the beach. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

The weather is also a strong factor in the case of a beach home. The ideal scenario would be an ocean storm where the ten-foot waves are crashing against the shore and thunder faintly rumbles in the background. There would be a small amount of sun peeking through the dark grey clouds, and lightning would touch the surface of the water every now and again. I’d be sitting by the large ocean-facing window in the living room, by the fire, enjoying the storm. No tornadoes though, please. I am not a big fan.

Finally, the beach will have some pretty good views itself. Beach sunrises, and sunsets, are stunning. The soft glow of early morning or evening light on the water is an ideal sight to see. As a quick note at the end, whales are pretty flipping cool too, and (fun fact!) they live in the ocean. Just saying.


Well, sorry for such a divisive post today. In my opinion, I would prefer to live by the ocean. I’m sure there are those who would disagree, and that’s ok; just know that I won’t talk to you anymore.

I hope that I could help you reach a decision regarding this hugely important discussion!

Thanks for reading enduring!

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Feb 17, 2021

Good choice Seb and a good point made by Elio. I’m sticking with ocean though as it scares me to think of you driving down steep, hazardous mountain roads in the winter snow and ice. 😬


Elio Di Nino
Elio Di Nino
Feb 17, 2021

What if there is a swimming spot or hot springs right by the mountain home though? Mountain home all the way for me 😎

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