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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

It's Beautiful Out There

It smells so good during this time of the year. SO good. Every time I step outside I think about how nice it smells. Mmm I love spring time.

I've been gone for almost two weeks, and I choose to start my first post back with that. Alright, cool. Sorry I've been gone so long. Things have been quite busy lately. And I forgot how to type since I haven't written for such a long time. Classic.

Last time around, we were in the midst of what was most likely the least eventful spring break in the history of the world. Even the spring break of 1452 was more eventful. Probably. Regardless, break is over now, which means that school is back on. In a typical year, this would be very disappointing.

Not this year.

I've learned this past year just how much social interactions positively affect my mood. During that first week of break, I hardly saw anyone. I felt quite lonely. It may have just been all of the sad songs I was listening to, but I was feeling a little down in the dumps. It was lame, but this blog isn't here to kill your happy vibes. No need to worry: this is where the story gets more exciting. Second week of break was much better. I finally came to the realization that I had been slowly losing connections with many of my high school friends over the past year. Too many people had been quietly falling out of my life, and it made me sad. So, I did something about it.

As a quick disclaimer: If and when I hang out with my friends, we always follow and adhere to provincial health guidelines. It's because we're cool like that.

My next move was to plan (safe!) hangouts with some of my friends that I felt like I had been falling out of touch with. It turned out to be a great second week of break. I had always been content to just relax at home alone, but I needed to get out of my bubble and reconnect with people. It was scary, anxiety-provoking, and totally worth it to see people again.

My break turned out to be a lot better than initially thought. I hope you had a fantastic break too.


Next, I need to acknowledge how beautiful it is outside right now. Super duper beautiful. You may have heard somewhere that it smells really good out there too.

Cherry blossom trees make anything better. I could trip on a rock and break both of my legs, and as soon as I see one of those trees my legs would be healed Immediately. That's just simple science. Get this: in addition to the recently-bloomed trees, the weather has been getting nicer as well. Such a good week. Yesterday felt as much like summer as summer feels like summer. Hold on. I can't be the only one who's confused by what I just wrote...

Even as it became night-time, yesterday was very warm. Over the past few weeks, no matter how warm it was during the day, it has always been very cold at night. Last night was a perfect exception. Keep in mind, when I say that last night was 'warm', I mean that it was over 10 degrees celsius. Some Bahamas-type weather for sure. I was skating around some streets in my buddy's neighbourhood yesterday, and it was like a scene from a movie. We were cruising down a nice paved road, cherry blossom trees surrounded us on all sides, and cool wind hit our faces as we sped through the night. THAT is what I hope every day of summer is like. That would be a really, really, really, really good summer. An excellent summer, in fact.


Well, I hope that was worth the wait. Sorry again that it had been so long since my last post, things got busy. That actually leads us to the next thing I wanted to mention-

Elio and I started a podcast! We are in the early stages, so I'll refrain from releasing the name and listening platforms for now. I will report back soon!

Posts on the blog may not be any more frequent than they are now with the podcast in the mix, but we'll see. I might surprise you! Maybe!

Thanks, as always, for reading. Enjoy the sun :)

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