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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Hitting a Wall

This has been a very-very-very exciting week. And no, it's not what you're thinking- Cars 4 has not been announced yet... sad. What did happen to make this such a special week, however, is that Elio made his first post on the blog! And it was about something super important so go check it out! And it was super duper sunny! Woohoo!

First things first - Elio made a great post. You can expect more from him in the near future. Those are absolutely not his words, but I hope this little nudge inspires him to write some more...

Another thing was the announcement of our podcast! It is so much fun to record these episodes, and I hope they're just as much fun to listen to! I sort of find it hard to believe they'd be more fun to listen to actually. See, this is excellent promotional literature right here. Anyways, check out the first two episodes if you haven't yet, I promise you probably might not regret it!

Also, look out for a new episode later this week...

The last great thing about the week has been the weather. I know I talk about it plenty, but this week has been truly spectacular. We're talking 20+ degrees celsius! In April!? Who would have guessed it. Mid-July has come to town disguised as mid-April I suppose. Must be it.


Sometimes topics are hard to think of, and I'm hitting a wall right now.

Figuratively, I don't actually punch walls frequently. Only sometimes. I'm sure you all pictured me just repeatedly punching a wall over and over. Classic.

Actually, forget that wall. I just found a topic. Get ready for the story of when I literally hit a wall..


It was a fairly cold winter night.

Wow, what a dramatic start that is. Nice. Moving on...

I was skateboarding at a nearby school. It was a long and tiring night as I was trying to nail this one trick and it was taking ages. I had come very close a few times, so I was getting frustrated not to have landed it yet. I figured I would practice it without moving just to get the feeling of the trick down again, but I landed wrong and the board flew out from under me. Ugh. The beginning of the end. I fell backwards and my board flew out of the under-cover area like a jet, directly into the rain. Rain and skateboards are like Superman and Kryptonite but on a whole other level. You get the idea. Anyways, my board flies out into the wet rain as I fall down. First things first, I go and retrieve the board so it doesn't get damaged. Then, after saving it from being damaged, I threw it on the ground. It seems very silly and ironic looking back at it. After my big, dramatic board toss, I made the well thought-out decision to hit the wall. Way too hard. I guess I thought 'Since I'm so angry right now, my hand will go right through this cement wall!'

My hand did not go right through the cement wall. If anything, the cement wall went through my hand. I honestly can't help but laugh at the whole situation now. My hand was bruised and swollen for a few days after that, and I can confirm that my wall-punching days are over. I am announcing my retirement today.

For anyone pondering the idea, don't punch a wall. It's just not worth it! You aren't as strong as you think you are when you're angry!


Well, after that fairly motivational story, we come to the end of this post. It's been good to get my fingers flying across the keyboard again, and I hope it's also been good to read another post of mine. Just remember not to hit walls! Especially if they're cement!

Again, be on the lookout for another episode of Elio and I's podcast, Riffin'. We may or may not have a special guest this week...

I appreciate you all! Now get off your device and go enjoy the weather! You already know that's what I'll be doing.

Thanks for reading!

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