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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Birds #1

Y’know those feathered flying things that swoop around in the sky all day and make ‘tweeting’ noises? Those are birds, and I love them. Just this morning I was looking out the living room window and I saw upwards of five birds in the front yard, loitering around the new feeder we put out there. It inspired me to dedicate today’s post to them.

Small birds are pretty adorable. They move around in quick, almost robotic movements, and never stay put for very long. The prime example of this is the hummingbird, of course. They dart so quickly through the air that it’s always a treat when you get to catch a glimpse of one. However, I find the cutest birds to be the small, chubby ones that lazily fly around the bush in my front yard. Small birds are just great overall.

Big birds are more incredible than adorable (I classify ‘big birds’ as anything bigger than crows and seagulls). When you see an eagle flying majestically through the sky, your initial thought will probably be more like ‘WOW!’ and less of an ‘awwww’. You know what they say: ‘the greater the wingspan, the greater the amazement!

I don’t know if they say that or not. I made it up on the spot.

Yet another great rhyming line for a future rap verse.


There is such a great array of differently sized birds, and I find the cute ones and the incredible ones just as cool. However, sometimes birds can make a fearsome foe too.

Crows, specifically.

I was walking to school one time, and I stumbled upon a snail in the middle of the sidewalk. Its shell appeared to be slightly cracked, but I though nothing of it and moved it off the sidewalk. A crow promptly swooped down on me, or at least I think it did; I didn’t stick around to find out exactly what had flown directly over my head. I guess I had taken away it’s meal. I was spooked so I ran the rest of the way to school without looking back. I’m pretty sure it followed me all the way to school as well because every time I looked up there was a crow flying above me. I guess that could be because there are just a lot of crows. The best part of the story? It occurred only two years ago.

Looking back at it, if someone took my food away I’d probably chase them too.


Overall, birds are pretty chill. However, on occasion, they can also cause a great deal of fear. I don’t know though, that may be just me.

Writing this has opened my eyes to the fact that I may actually have a fear of birds. I bet the scientific term for that would be ‘birdophobia’.

Yeah that’s probably it.

Thanks for reading!

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