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  • Writer's pictureSebastian Gauthier

Better Late Than Never!

Today I'm coming into this with absolutely no ideas of what I'm going to write about. Just putting that out for the record.

Since I last wrote there's been some snow! I know, it's hard to believe, but it's pretty cool right? I mean snow is just so beautiful. I always thought it made everything seem prettier. Like how sunnier days seem even sunnier when the light reflects off the snow. And when the snow is crunchy it's incredibly satisfying to walk on. It's simply the best. It was a very snow-less winter where I live (how disappointing!) so I'm glad it's coming now. I couldn't believe it when I looked outside to see a coat of snow actually sticking to the ground. And that snow is still here today! Woohoo!

Well, it's fairly obvious that I'm a fan of the snow. I think part of that is that all my memories that involve it are good ones. Like going to my grandma's house for Christmas where there's always loads of snow. My brother and I would spend entire days down at the hill, going up, down, up, down, over and over. I realize I didn't clarify that we were sledding up and down the hill, not just walking up, down, up, down, over and over.

Even when it was dark out, we would be at the hill for hours on end. If we weren't sledding, we'd be having snowball fights, or slipping our way back up the hill. Whatever it was that we were doing, we had fun doing it.

I'm hoping that there will be a great dump of snow during the end of this week. A super big dump, ideally.


So, the moral of the story here is that snow makes sledding possible. And that snow absolutely rocks and makes literally everything better. Cool.

Something else surprising is how damn cold it is outside. The past few days have been the most beautiful days of the year, but they've been freezing at the same time. Blue skies? Check. Glaring sun? Check. Not a cloud in the sky? Check. Negative temperature? Also check....?!

Gorgeous weather with a bit of snow on the side? don't mind if I do!


Here's a little scenario.

Ok, so last night it snowed a lot, and there's about three feet of snow on your driveway. You think to yourself, "that driveway could really use a good shoveling!"

Next thing you know, you see your neighbor out there, shoveling away. You step outside and say "Hey! Thanks neighbor!"

Your neighbor looks at you and says, "Hey, It's s-no-w problem!"


For whatever reason, that last section just came into my head. I thought of the punchline, but I had no idea how I would set up the joke. Let's just say I'm not proud of what I came up with. It would probably be best if you just forgot about it.

Thanks for reading!

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